Keynote Speakers
Rosabel Roig Vila
Rosabel Roig Vila holds a PhD in Pedagogy and is Professor of Educational Technology at the University of Alicante (UA). She has been Dean of the Faculty of Education of the UA (2005-2009) and Director of the Institute of Education Sciences of the same university (2016-2020). She is currently the Director of the UNESCO Chair in Education, Research and Digital Inclusion; Editor of the scientific journal Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research; Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme in Educational Technology applied to Knowledge (TEAC); and Director of the Research Group GIDU-EDUTIC/IN of the UA. Her speciality is the integration of digital technologies in Education; she has published more than 200 articles and chapters, has directed 20 doctoral theses and coordinated several national and European R+D+i projects.
Georgios Abakoumkin
Georgios Abakoumkin is Professor of Social Psychology and Director of the Laboratory of Psychology at the Department of Early Childhood Education, University of Thessaly. He has a Diploma in Psychology from the University of Tübingen (Germany) and a PhD from Panteion University. His research interests include social cognition, intragroup processes as well as processes in the contexts of bereavement and nostalgia. He has published articles in international scientific journals and in edited volumes. He is currently Associate Editor of Frontiers in Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Section.
Zoe Gavriilidou
Zoe Gavriilidou holds the position of Professor of Linguistics at Democritus University of Thrace and is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago. She has served in the past as President of the European Association of Lexicography and also as Vice Rector of Academic Affairs and Student Welfare at Democritus University of Thrace, Dean of the School of Classics and Humanities and Chair of the Department of Philology at the same University. She has supervised significant projects such as the THALES Project on Language Learning Strategies, which received a grant of 600,000 euros, and the Project on Heritage Greek, with a budget of 100,000 euros. Dr. Gavriilidou has also been an active member of expert committees responsible for revising curricula in Greece and Cyprus for primary and secondary education. Her most recent book investigates the use of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
Vassilis C. Gerogiannis
Vassilis C. Gerogiannis, Professor and Head in the Department of Digital Systems, University of Thessaly (academic subject: Analysis & Design of Systems & Projects with Emphasis on Decision Making). Adjunct Professor, Hellenic Open University. Visiting Professor, IPAG Business School (France) and Siauliai State University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania). He holds a Diploma in Computer Engineering and a PhD in Software Engineering (University of Patras). From 1992 until present, he participates in several R&D and educational projects. Author/co-author of more than 170 papers published in international journals/conference proceedings and cited in a plethora of citations (more than 2800 in Google Scholar και 1150 in Scopus). Co-author/editor of four scientific books. Member of editorial board, guest editor and reviewer in international journals. Conference chair/Program chair and invited speaker in international conferences. He has received the “best paper award” in four international conferences.
He has served as Head of the Business Administration Department and Scientific Director of the Institute for Continuous Education at the Technological Education Institute of Thessaly, Vice President of the Greek Union of Computer Scientists, General Secretary of the IT Chapter of the Technical Chamber of Greece and General Secretary of the Technical Chamber Central & Western Greece. He has also served as Member of the Management Board of the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC), Member of the Council for Research & Innovation in Thessaly, Member of the Management Committee of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Research Institute of the Research Center IASON at the University of Thessaly, Member of the Management Committee of the Technical Chamber Central and Western Greece, Member of the Central Assembly of the Technical Chamber of Greece, as well as Member of the Scientific Committee of Electronics Engineers in the Technical Chamber of Greece.
Christos Govaris
Professor of Intercultural Education at the Pedagogical Department of Elementary Education of the University of Thessaly and Director of the Education and Communication Laboratory in Multicultural Environments.
His research interests concern the theory and practice of education in the modern multicultural context. Adopting visual and analytical tools of Critical Theory, Intercultural Pedagogy and Anti-Racist Education, he focuses on the investigation of processes of discrimination, exclusion and inclusion of otherness in the social and school environment, as well as on the design of pedagogical practices for the development of an inclusive school culture. He has published more than 100 research papers in scientific journals, conference proceedings and collective volumes. He has also written a monograph and edited 7 scientific books.
Konstantinos Th. Kotsis
Konstantinos Th. Kotsis is a Physicist and has served as Lecturer, Assistant Professor for tenure and Permanent Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Ioannina from 1987 to 2000 on experimental research in X-rays and solid state physics. Since 2000 he has been a faculty member of the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education at the University of Ioannina and since 2012 he is a Professor. His subjects are: Didactics of Physics, Teacher Training and Science Education and New Technologies. It is a member of the Association for Science and Technology Education (ENEFET). Finally, he is Vice-President of the Hellenic Society of Physics for Science and Education (HSAEE). He has teaching experience in several Departments of the University of Ioannina, such as Physics, Chemistry, Informatics, Biological Applications and Technologies and finally in the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education.
Constantine Skordoulis
Constantine Skordoulis is Professor of Physics and Epistemology of Natural Sciences and Director of the Science Education Laboratory at the Department of Education, University of Athens, Greece. He has studied Physics at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK and has worked as a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Oxford (UK), Jena (Germany) and Groningen (The Netherlands). He is the Secretary of the Teaching Commission of the Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science. He is one of the Editors of “Almagest / International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas” (Brepols) and “Kritiki / Critical Science & Education” (Nissos Pbl) and member of the Editorial Board of the journals “Science & Education” (Springer) and “International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences” (CG Publishers). He has published extensively on issues of “History of Science” and “Environmental Epistemology”.
Nikolaos Fachantidis
Professor, Chair of the Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia. Founder and scientific director of the Robotics Academy at the University of Macedonia, and director of the Research Lab of Information Technology and Robotics Applications in Education and Society.
He introduced Educational Robotics into the curriculum of Pedagogical Department at Greek Higher Education Institution and conducts research with his team on the design and development of socially assistive robots. The DAISY robot and the ARRoW method are example of research being transformed into practical application system, supporting children on the autism spectrum in improving social skills, as well as assisting professionals and family members in supporting them.
Anna Fterniati
Anna Fterniati is a professor at the Department of Education Sciences and Social Work of the University of Patras in the subject of Language Education (as a mother tongue, second or foreign). Her research interests focus on Literacy Pedagogy and the teaching and assessment of the written word, as well as Multiliteracies. She also has experience in the design, development and evaluation of teaching programs and materials, as well as teacher training.
He participated in the scientific teams of twenty relevant European and other research projects. She also participated in the work of the committees of the Pedagogical Institute for the preparation of the current Curriculum and for the monitoring of the current educational material for the Modern Greek Language course in Primary and Secondary Education. For a few months now, he has been participating in the writing of new textbooks on Language with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
She holds the following degrees: B.Sc. in Philosophy (University of Athens), D.E.A. in Linguistics (Paris VII), D.E.A. IN Pedagogical Psychology (Paris VIII), Ph.D. in Language Education (Department of Education, University of Patras).
She has worked in secondary education as a philologist.
Carol Ann Tomlinson
Carol Ann Tomlinson is William Clay Parrish, Jr. Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia where she taught for 30 years and served as a department chair for 10. Prior to joining the faculty at UVa, she was a public school teacher for 21 years teaching students in high school, preschool, and middle school, as well as leading district programs for struggling and advanced learners. She was Virginia’s Teacher of the Year in 1974 and received several teaching awards at UVa. Carol is author of over 300 books, book chapters, articles, and other educational materials including How to Differentiate Instruction in Academically Diverse Classrooms (3rd Ed.). Her books are available in 15 languages. She works throughout the United States and internationally with educators who seek to create classrooms that are more effective for academically diverse students.
Dr. Konstantinos Petridis
Dr. Konstantinos Petridis is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Hellenic Mediterranean University, Crete, Greece. He earned his PhD in 2002 from the renowned University of St-Andrews, Scotland. Before joining Hellenic Mediterranean University, Dr. Petridis held prestigious postdoctoral positions at the Institute of Ciencies and Photonics (ICFO) in Barcelona and Imperial College London. His research portfolio is distinguished by contributions to developing advanced Continuous Wave Laser systems, including External Cavity Diode Lasers and Optical Parametric Oscillators. Additionally, he has made significant strides in applying laser pulses to two-dimensional materials, specifically for energy harvesting in organic and perovskite solar cells and in the domain of gas sensing using perovskite semiconductors.
Dr. Petridis's academic contributions have garnered over 2,000 citations, affirming his impact on the scientific community with an h-index of 25. In educational innovation, he has recently published work on pedagogical approaches around the SCRUM methodology. His leadership in securing competitive European funding is evidenced by his coordination of 11 KA2 Erasmus projects and his involvement as a partner in 10 other KA2 Erasmus and 5 Horizon (FETs, Widening) projects. Since 2024, is a Fullbright Scholar. He will be at York College of Pennsylvania as a Scholar in Residence, a position funded by the US State Department.
Nikolaos G. Raptis
Nikolaos G. Raptis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design in the School of Humanities of University of Aegean. His research field is "Leadership and Management in Education" and currently he is the Director of the Postgraduate Studies Programme titled "New Forms of Education and Learning".
He possesses extensive professional experience, having served as an educational executive in various institutional roles, including Head Teacher and School Principal, School Counselor, Director of Primary Education Directorate, and Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education Directorate. His entire research corpus and publications is focused on topics related to Leadership and the Management of Educational Institutions and Systems.
Rosabel Martínez-Roig
Rosabel Martínez-Roig holds a PhD in Pedagogy and is an Associate Professor in the Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante (UA). She has a degree in Psychology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and a degree in Primary Education Teaching from the UA (extraordinary award). She has completed the Master's Degree in Educational Research (extraordinary Master's degree award). Her research focuses on the integration of Digital Technologies in Education, especially social robotics and Artificial Intelligence. She is the author of multiple scientific publications. She has directed and participated in several national and international projects. She has also given workshops for teachers and has been a member of international scientific committees and organisers of congresses, conferences and seminars.
Panagiota Dimitropoulou
P. Dimitropoulou is Tenured Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at the Department of Psychology, University of Crete. Her research interests focus on psychosocial adjustment and motivation in students with or without learning difficulties and/or psychoemotional problems, on academic emotions that emerge in classroom during educational practice, on the design and implementation of psychoeducational interventions for the promotion of mental health of students with or without difficulties in crises, such as climate change, and on the provision of mental health services using new technologies, such as virtual reality. She is member of scientific associations such as EFPA (Ex-Convenor of the Board of Promotion and Prevention from 2019-2022), the American Psychological Association (APA-Div.15 ), Secretary and member of the Executive Committee of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) (2024-….), the Hellenic Psychological Society, where she served as co-coordinator of the School Psychology Division and Member of the Association of Greek Psychologists (SEPS). She participates as a scientific collaborator representing the University of Crete in European funded projects such as the project "Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children" H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-Innovative Training Networks (ITN), in Erasmus+ programmes and in Horizon programmes in collaboration with the National Centre For Scientific Research "Demokritos". She has published research papers in Greek and international journals and edited volumes, and she systematically participates in international and Greek conferences with various scientific presentations.
Dimitra V. Katsarou
Dimitra V. Katsarou is Assistant Professor of Developmental Psychopathology and Speech Disorders at the Department of Sciences in Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean. She studied Philology and Psychology. She holds three master's degrees and a Doctorate from the Department of Special Education of the University of Thessaly. She has participated in Hellenic and international research projects. She has developed two post doctoral research projects. She has more than 50 publications in scientific journals with an impact factor and more than 100 presentations at conferences. She has authored one monograph, one book three Greek and two international scientific book edits and four international co-edits. Her research interests focus on the special education of children with intellectual disabilities, neuro/psycholinguistics, cognitive processes, developmental psychopathology, speech development and genetic syndromes.
Efthymia Efthymiou
Efthymia Efthymiou is an Assistant Professor at Zayed University in the UAE, specializing in special education and inclusive teaching practices. Her research focuses on creating educational environments that support all students, especially those with special needs, by understanding the perspectives of both teachers and students. She explores how physical and psychological environments shape inclusion and is committed to overcoming barriers to inclusive education, particularly through technology-based teaching. Dr. Efthymiou also conducts workshops for educators to promote inclusive learning and addresses challenges related to the digital divide and marginalization in education.
Ioannis Kazanidis
Ioannis Kazanidis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics of the Democritus University of Thrace, Director of the international postgraduate program MSc in Immersive Technologies in Education Training and Game Design and Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Advanced Educational Technologies and Mobile Applications (AETMA) of the Democritus University of Thrace. He holds a degree in Educational Technologist in Mechanical Engineering from ASPETE, a degree in Computer Science from the Hellenic Open University, a Master's degree in Computer Science from Coventry University in England and a PhD in "Educational Technology" from the Department of Applied Informatics of the University of Macedonia. Since 2004 he has been teaching, both at undergraduate and postgraduate level, courses in the fields of Informatics and Education. He has participated in numerous international research projects and has published more than 130 papers in international scientific journals and conferences. His research interests focus mainly on Educational Technology, the adoption of innovations at all levels of education but also on databases and learning analytics.
Kalliopi Eikospentaki
Dean of the Faculty of Education and Humanities of the Metropolitan College, in collaboration with the University of East London and Queen Margaret University of Scotland.
I have been and I am still working as a Scientific and Teaching Collaborative Staff of the Postgraduate Program of Cognitive Science, at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, at the Postgraduate Program of Educational Sciences: Special Education, Teaching and Instruction of People with Oral and Written Language Problems, at the Hellenic Open University and at the Department of Psychology of the University of Western Macedonia. I have been involved for the last 20 years in the management and the implementation of research programs in the field of Education, Special Education and Psychology and I have been teaching related courses. I have worked, studied and written about the perspective of a ¨School for All¨, a school open to society, diversity, which will offer to all children possibilities for cognitive, social and emotional development, development of their special talents and abilities, but it will also be a safe and harmonious working environment for the education staff.
Barbas George
Barbas George is a retired Associate Professor of Special Education at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Originally specialized in mathematics. Worked in secondary education, the disability sector, and subsequently at the university. His research and pedagogical activities focused on three main areas: peer relationships and conflict management in schools, understanding and addressing learning difficulties, and the education of students with intellectual disabilities.
Δρ. Tadhg Leane
Dr. Tadhg Leane is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning at Munster Technological University (MTU) with over two decades of experience in higher education. He has spent a significant part of his career in strategic development roles, including a substantial period as Head of Strategic Development at the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT), now MTU. He has significant experience in institutional governance, policy development, change management and academic leadership. He also has served on various committees and boards, locally and nationally. His work has contributed to the advancement and strategic management of the institution, particularly in the transition towards becoming a Technological University. Holding a Doctorate in Business Administration in Higher Education Management from the University of Bath, Dr. Leane recently achieved a Masters’ qualification in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at MTU.
Dr. Kalliopi Megari
Dr. Kalliopi Megari is a Postdoctoral researcher of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Academic Director of MSc in Clinical Psychology and Clinical supervisor at City College, University of York, Europe Campus. She is Adjunct lecturer at University of Western Macedonia in Florina, Greece. Dr. Megari is a psychologist with a history of working in the hospital & health care industry, skilled in Clinical Neuropsychology, Clinical Research, Medical Education, Psychological Assessment and Learning Disabilities. She works both in clinical and in research practice and she provides strong professional healthcare services, graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and attended further education from Department of Educational and Social Policy, University of Macedonia, in people with special needs and disabilities. She holds undergraduate degrees in Nursing and Psychology, as well as a Master’ s and a PhD in Neuropsychology from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She was the Global Engagement Representative of SLC International Neuropsychological Society from 2018-2021 and she was a research fellow in the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery in AHEPA Hospital. Currently she is a Global Membership Committee member of International Neuropsychological Society and leader of Rehabilitation of COVID-19 patients working group of NeuroCOVID International Neuropsychology Taskforce SIG. In addition, she is the General Secretary of the board of directors of Hellenic Neuropsychological Society and Ethics Committee president of Hellenic Neuropsychological Society. Since 2021, she is a member ofnPIAC Community Outreach Subcommittee of AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Membership and a member of Engagement Committee of American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA). Her work has earned her many prestigious international awards and was an Ambassador of National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN), USA Leadership and Ambassador Development Program (2022-23). She has given lectures at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University of Warsaw and Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Oslo.
Dr. Maria Sofologi
Dr. Maria Sofologi is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Early Childhood and Education at the University of Ioannina in Greece. Her Postdoctoral Research in the Department of Early Childhood and Education at the University of Ioannina in Greece is associated with the evaluation of gifted and high-talented learners in Greek educational settings. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She also holds a Master of Science degree in Cognitive Psychology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research interest is focused on language and cognitive profiles of typical and atypically developing children, Special Education, twice-exceptional children, and giftedness.
Maria Theodoratou-Bekou
Maria Theodoratou-Bekou, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist with a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She began her academic career with a degree in Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Psychology from the same university, subsequently obtaining a second degree in Psychology from the University of Aix-Marseille, Provence, France. She subsequently obtained a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology from the same University. She has been teaching psychology at the Hellenic Open University and Neapolis Paphos University since 2017, bringing her total experience in higher education to 29 years. She has also provided private psychological services to clients in the private sector. Additionally, she is a mother of two students.
Lina Moussioni
Lina Moussioni studied Archaeology and Art History at the School of Philosophy, University of Athens, and holds a PhD in Folklore. She worked as curator and coordinator of the Educational Programs Department at the Folklore History Museum of Larissa (1991-2009), organizing numerous educational programs for children, families, and vulnerable social groups. Her studies and articles on modern culture have been published in scientific journals and collective volumes. Since 2016, she has served as the educational director of the Creative Activity Centers for Children of the Municipality of Larissa. She is also an adult educator with experience in ethnography and art programs in informal education settings.
Artemis Papadimitriou
Artemis Papadimitriou is an Early Childhood Education Consultant in Larissa. She holds a degree from the Department of Early Childhood Education at the University of Thessaly and a master’s degree in special education from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She also has a Master's in "Studies in Education" from the Hellenic Open University, focusing on "Intercultural Education," "Child Social Development," "Educational Research in Practice," and "Open and Distance Education." Additionally, she holds a PhD from the Department of Special Education at the University of Thessaly. She has presented numerous scientific papers at both Greek and international conferences and has participated in European programs and training seminars. She has authored four books, contributed chapters to collective volumes, and published articles in scientific journals in Greece and abroad. She teaches in the Special Education postgraduate program at the University of Thessaly and the Hellenic Open University. She is also a trainer of adult educators and an evaluator for the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP).
Vassilios Kotoulas
Dr. Vassilios Kotoulas is a Teacher with Postgraduate Education in Special Education and holds a PhD in Human Sciences from the Department of Special Education of the University of Thessaly with a special interest in Learning Disabilities in written speech. He serves as Educational Counselor at the Primary Educational Directorate of Trikala while he served as Organizational Coordinator of the Regional Center for Educational Planning of the Regional Directorate of Education of Thessaly. His research interests focus on the cognitive components of reading and writing and on theoretical and practical approaches to inclusive education. He has taught in Higher Education at undergraduate and postgraduate level. In recent years he has been teaching at the Hellenic Open University as a Collaborating Teaching Staff in the Course "Problems of Oral and Written Speech: Theoretical Approaches" of the Interuniversity (in collaboration with the SED of the University of Thessaly) Postgraduate Program Special Education and Training of People with Problems of Oral and Written Speech". His works have been presented in conferences, scientific journals and books. He has taught in - and organized - a large number of seminars for teachers of all levels, topics related to teaching practice, special education, the use of computers and communication and cooperation with parents, the transition from level to level and related by organizing the operation of the school unit.
Argyro Rentzi
Mrs. Argyro Rentzi is a Kindergarten Teacher, holds a basic degree from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an MA in Educational Leadership and Policy from the Open University of Cyprus and a PhD in the field of School Leadership in Social Justice from the University of Alicante. She has published chapters in books and papers in international and Greek scientific journals and conference proceedings. They are regular teaching staff at EKDDA, having participated in the design of training programs, as well as collaborating teaching staff at ASPETE. She has worked in schools of General and Special Education, holding the position of Head, as well as in KE.D.A.S.Y., while she has served as a scientific associate in the Private Office of the Secretary General of Education, Secondary Education & Special Education Mr. I. Katsaros, She was a member of the design team of the Special Digital Platform "STOP BULLYING".
Iraklis Gerogiokas
Iraklis Gerogiokas is Deputy Mayor for Education and Sports in the municipality of Larissa. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of International Relations at the University of Nicosia and his main research interest is Turkish soft power. He has served ND in various positions of responsibility and is a Coordinator of the Secretariat of International and EU Relations
Eleni Tsipa
Eleni Tsipa is the Oracle Academy Programme Manager and Social Impact & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Specialist for Oracle in Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo since 2019. She joined Oracle Hellas in 2004 as the Public Relations Specialist. Prior to Oracle she worked as a Communications & PR professional in various companies of the broader ICT sector. She has a BSc in Business Administration with a Marketing Specialization from the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) and she is an active volunteer of various non profit organizations. She is married and has one daughter.
Nikolaos Tzioumakis
Nikolaos Tzioumakis is Project Development Manager at POLYTECH S.A., with postgraduate studies in Radiation and Thermodynamics from George Washington University and a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Virginia. His professional career began in 1984 with the design of the first compatible Greek computers PYTHIA and PEGASUS and the introduction of computer rooms in secondary education in Greece. Then, turned to the equipment of educational laboratories through POLYTECH, which now supplies important markets abroad. Mr. Tzioumakis has also founded several companies in various sectors, including the first private internet provider in Greece.
Polytech S.A. has installed a range of educational STEM and robotics products in all public schools in Greece, designed for students from preschool to secondary education. Products include the SMART:blox S1 and S2 programming sets that incorporate Arduino-based platform programming and robotic sets such as the R1, R2, R3 and R4 robots, that teach the basic and advanced principles of robotics and STEM. These tools enhance experiential learning, offering opportunities for practical application in areas such as engineering and programming.
Apart from the installation of STEM and robotics educational products, the company has also undertaken important projects that include the supply and installation of mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering laboratories in EPAL and Technical Education schools in Greece.
Kelly Gerostergiou
Kelly Gerostergiou, is a Head of Vocational Education and Training of the Public Employment Services - PES in Thessaly and a PHD candidate of Adult Education at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has 21 years of professional experience in the field of adult education, vocational training, empowerment of young and vulnerable social groups and guidance consulting. She holds an educational qualification and she is an assessor and trainer of adult trainers. She is a member of scientific associations, such as Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation and the Scientific Association of Adult Education, a member of the Coordinating Committee of the "Larissa, the Learning City" and of the scientific team of the Citizens' University of the Municipality of Larissa. She participates in conferences, initiatives and actions and she has written training manuals for counselors and adult trainers. She has also many hours of training on topics related to her field.
Ildiko Van Rillaer
Ildiko Van Rillaer is a researcher at the University College Limburg in Belgium. She has participated in several international projects that foster the digital inclusion of children or senior citizens, as well as researched the barriers and possibilities of a digital sense of belonging for the elderly population. The process of learning through digital media as well as collaborative learning have been recurrent themes in these projects.
Magkou Natasa
Magkou Natasa graduated in 1987 from the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a Master's degree and is a PhD candidate in the Department of Physical Education & Sports Science of the Democritus University of Thrace. He collaborated with the Ptolemaida Traffic Police, where he implemented the experiential actions for the Program: for the Program: "I get an education I change my mentality".
She was awarded by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religions (Ministry of Education) for the Digital Teaching Scenario entitled: “dancing for our expatriate sister (Stolen Caryatid). She was awarded 5th place in the Education Leaders Awards 2022 in the "Educator of the Year 2022" category.
She is a member of the writing team for the development of an educational manual entitled "Promoting Road Safety for Children and Adolescents" coordinated by the Laboratory for the Study of Health and Road Safety of the Department of Social Work of the University of Crete.
She is a member of the Oblomov Project team of the European Erasmus program, which was designed and led by the partner "Piccolo Teatro" of Milan, coordinated by the University of Milan.
She participates in the Jury Committee of the Panhellenic Conferences of Ε.Ε.Π.Ε.Κ (Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation) and ΕΕΛΛΑΚ (Organization of Open Technologies and Innovation).
She participates in the Committee of Critics of the Panhellenic Conferences of Ε.Ε.Π.Ε.Κ (Scientific Association for the Promotion of Educational Innovation) and ΕΕΛΛΑΚ (Organization of Open Technologies and Innovation).
She is the author of The Wolf at School? He's broken, too. ”He keeps the following Blogs: Safety at sea and pool Project themes for Α΄Β΄Γ΄Δ΄ Ε΄ΣΤ΄ classes Volleyball Basketball Traditional dances posts on the blog of Pyrgon Primary School
Kalliopi Mathioudaki
Kalliopi Mathioudaki teaches Greek language and history. She has MSc in Rhetoric (Rhetoric: Theory and practice) from NKUA and is a Ph.D. candidate in Classical Studies. She is a mentor in Rhetoric, an educator in Freinet’s Pedagogical Principles and a school life advisor. She has been educated in School Psychology, crisis management, school bullying, group empowerment, educational theatrical techniques and democratic education. She has participated in national and international conferences. She speaks three languages.
Vaia Anagnostou
PE 70 teacher, with 20 years of teaching and administrative experience. Since 2021 he serves with an organic position in the 2nd Board of Directors of Farkadona, Trikala. She graduated in 2004 from the Department of Primary Education of Ioannina, while she recently obtained her Master's Degree in Digital and Soft Skills in Education Sciences from the International Hellenic University. In addition, she has participated in two distance research projects and has annual training in Intercultural Education of the University of the Aegean. Her teaching is based on the belief that each student is unique and has the right to an individualized learning experience. It applies a pedagogical approach, encouraging students to actively participate in the learning process through collaborative activities. In addition, I leverage the potential of digital tools to create an interactive and engaging learning environment. Its aim is to create a supportive and inclusive school framework where cooperation and mutual respect are promoted.
Exarchou Marina
English Language teacher, having graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2008. Over the past 15 years, I have been working in public primary education, currently holding a permanent position at the Primary School of Giannades in Corfu. I hold a Master’s Degree in "Theory and Teaching of Translation" from the Department of Foreign Languages, Translation, and Interpreting at the Ionian University. My teaching approach emphasizes on engaging students through the use of ICT tools, encouraging active participation in the learning process.
Aikaterini Zacharopoulou
Aikaterini Zacharopoulou graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, from where she also obtained a Master's Degree in Counselling and Vocational Guidance. She has attended numerous training programmes. Examples include: "Self-improvement and assertive behavior" / Center for Training and Lifelong Learning of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, "Training of teachers in skills through workshops" / IEP, "The methodology of training in the profession" / Research Center of the Athens University of Economics and Business. She has many years of active involvement in the field of Counselling and Career Guidance, as well as participation in European programmes. From September 2002 until today, she has been working as a teacher and Vocational Guidance Counselor at the Arsakeia-Tositsea Schools of Philekpedeftiki Etaireia. She has participated with groups of students in Pan-Arsakeian Student Conferences, in the 1st Panhellenic Conference of School Psychology, which was organized by the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens / Center for Research and Applications of School Psychology, as well as in the 1st Student Conference of the Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica. Her professional interests are focused on supporting her students in planning their educational and professional paths and making relevant decisions, in empowering them to achieve their learning goals, as well as in empowering them to develop "soft skills". In addition, she has been actively involved in the implementation of the School Mediation method to prevent and deal with school bullying, as well as strengthening the voluntary consciousness of her students through their participation in equivalent actions.
Fotini Koutsopoulou
Fotini Koutsopoulou graduated from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Crete and pursued her postgraduate studies in Adult Education. Her professional career trajectory includes the positions of Sociologist, Research Associate, Educator and Career Counselor in public and private sector organisations. Her professional and educational interests strongly emphasize skills relevant to promoting a climate of safety and acceptance in the context of the national educational system. Since 2022, she has served as the Head of the Centre for Counselling and Guidance (KESYP) in Larissa, where she supports students and parents in career counselling meetings. In addition, she organizes and coordinates a variety of activities related to Career Guidance across the entire Prefecture of Larissa.
Lazarou Christos
Graduate of the Pedagogical Academy of Thessaloniki and the Department of Primary Education of the University of the Aegean, with a Master's Degree in Education of the Hellenic Open University (Studies in Education). He has been the Director of many primary schools and has been working as a teacher since 1995.
Charikleia Loule
English Language teacher, with 21 years of teaching experience, of which 18 years in Public Primary Schools in Greece. Since 2019, I have been teaching at the 2nd Primary School of Farkadona, Trikala. I graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature of the AUTH in 2003 , while, in 2021,I obtained the Master's Degree in Educational Technology from the University of Nicosia. In teaching, I seek to apply innovative methods utilizing digital tools, through student-centered learning models. The main goal is the gradual development of students' metacognitive skills, so that they become active, autonomus learners. This is mainly achieved by working on a variety of projects, in which students actively participate in all phases of implementation, from planning to the presentation of the final results.
Spyros Michaloulis
The… glorious summer of Greece, that is, that of 2004, found Spyros in a transitional and extremely creative phase of his professional career. The decision to co-found Orientum with Nikos Pavlakos was a result of the career change he lived through. He wanted to find a way to share his experience and help young people find the right profession. With a background in sales and a master's degree in "Counseling and Career Guidance" it was expected that he would undertake to develop Orientum extroversion. He leads the Sales and Marketing team and develops the company's partnerships with training providers and companies. He enjoys traveling all over Greece, passionately presenting the services of Orientum and to sharing his experience with students and parents. His daily life, when he is at the office, is full of discussions and search for new ways of development while he dedicates his free time to reading and to his favorite basketball.
Stavroula Patheka
Educator PE 70, with service in public Primary Education, about 30 years. For the last 7 years, she has been serving education from the position of Principal of the Primary School of the Prefecture of Trikala. Apart from the basic studies, she holds a two-year postgraduate diploma in General Education from the University of Ioannina and a Master's Degree from the Hellenic Open University. She has participated in training programs and workshops implemented by Ministry of Education agencies, as well as other agencies, with issues related to education. She has three conference papers published.
Viki Spita
Viki Spita teaches Greek language and is Director at 7th Kallithea High School. She has MSc in Education Science from University of Nicosia, she is member of the pedagogy group ΄΄Skasiarxeio ΄΄and educator in Freinet’s Pedagogical Principles. She participates since 2007 at her school in many programs (theatre, cinema, newspaper, school garden) and has been educated in Special Needs and Intercultural Education.
Zeta Tsiga
Ms. Zeta Tsiga holds a degree from the Department of History and Archaeology at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She has a specialization (MEd) in both Educational Administration and Counseling. An experienced adult educator, she works as a researcher and writer on funded national and European programs. Zeta has published numerous articles on innovative teaching and learning in formal, non-formal, and informal education.
Tzavella Eleni
Personal details: Tzavella Eleni, PE70, Director of 2nd Primary School of Oichalia.
Academic studies: 2003-2004 University of Thessaly, Department of teacher simulation, 1981-1985 Apollonius Conservatory of Athens, Diploma of Music, 1981-1983 Pedagogical Academy of Larissa.
Foreign languages: English B2, German B2.
Computer Knowledge: Level A and Level B certification.
Research papers - Authorship: 1)“References of the poetry of Kostas Virvos in the visual arts”, presentation at the 6th conference of EEPEK, 16-18/10/2020, 2)“Thessalian fighters of 1821”, presentation at the 5th conference of EEPEK, 11-13/10/2019,3) Book pumblishing, “From the ancient Pelinnaio and in the medieval Gardiki, in today’s Petroporos”, 4) “History of Petroporos Trikalon”, pumblished in the 27th issue of the magazine TRIKALINA, 5)Book review for the book by Stamatis Merkouris, “Georgios Kondylis, the Thunderbolt 1879-1936”, pumbilshed in issue 1th of F.I.A.L.E.TH. (Philological Historical Folklore Society of Thessaly), 6) “The water mill in Karakamtsi, the history of a non - existent, but once important building” presentation at the 1st History and Culture Conference of Farkadona.
Dimitrios Chatzoulis
Dimitrios Chatzoulis was born in Larissa and received his diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras in 2004. In 2006 he received his MSc diploma from the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the University of Thessaly. Since 2021 he is a PhD candidate of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Thessaly. He is the author of papers and journals that have been published in international conferences and journals and he is the co-author of an undergraduate book. He has been working as a computer science teacher for the last 20 years in Secondary and Primary Education as well as in formal and non-formal adult education and he is currently the principal of the 2nd Primary School of Farkadona.
Gousioti Anastasia
Teacher P.E. 70 with 21 years of service, Graduate of the Department of Primary Education, University of the Aegean. FOREIGN LANGUAGES: German B1, COMPUTER SKILLS: A and B level certification.
Kapsiocha Eugenia
Teacher P.E. 70, with 22 years, service, Graduate of the Pedagogical Academy of Larissa, with assimilation at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. FOREIGN LANGUAGES: German B1, COMPUTER SKILLS: A and B level certification.
Koukouteslou Persefoni
Koukouteslou Persefoni is a graduate of P.T.D.E. of the University of Ioannina. She has been educated in annual training programs in special education, promoting the mental health of children and adolescents, in sexual education. She has attended seminars, numerous workshops and conferences and has made presentations at pedagogical conferences. She is certified in computer training programs and can speak fluently English . She is in the field of teaching for 20 years.
Michail Vasiliki
Michail Vasiliki is a graduate of the PTDE of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has attended training seminars and a number of workshops. She has participated in the writing and presentation of works carried out in the framework of programs. She has also implemented environmental, cultural and health education programs.
She has twenty-five (25) years of work experience.
Stella Badikian
Stella Badikian is a mathematics teacher in public secondary education and a drama and theater educator. She was a member of the “Schools of Collaborative Learning and Prevention Education” research project team, which was established by Celestine Freinet and MiltosKountouras’ pedagogy principles. The team worked under the supervision of Mika Haritos-Fatouros, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.Ms. Badikianis a founding member of the pedagogy group “Skasiarxeio”Pathways en Route for a Community School” and is considered an originator of “Collaborative Learning Schools by Freinet Pedagogy.She is the author of the book titled, “Community Schoolsin accordance with Freinet Pedagogy Instructional Principles-Implementation Practices” (ή Community Schools, πουείναιάλλησυνθήκηαντοψάξεις), published by the Greek Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports and distributed across all Greek schools in the 2019-2020 school year.Finally, yet importantly, she has presented a number of scientific papers at Pan-Hellenic Education Conferences and one-day events and participated as an animator in a variety of workshops.
Charalampos Baltas
Charalampos Baltas was born in 1968 in Kammena Vourla. He is a teacher at 35th Primary School of Athens and member of the pedagogy group ΄΄Skasiarxeio΄΄ with his podcasts (Thrania Anoixis) and his newspaper (Kokkinolemis). He is the author of the book titled ΄΄For a community school΄΄ (2020) and the school book titled ΄΄Children’s Friendships΄΄(2023). The movie ΄΄Dreams on wheels΄΄ (2022) is about his work in the neighborhood of Exarchia.
Papalexandrou Georgios
Teacher P.E. 70 with 27 years of service, Graduate of the Department of Primary Education, University of Ioannina. He participated in many training activities (A and B level etc.)
Anna-Maria Sidiropoulou
Mrs. Anna-Maria Sidiropoulou graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of National and Kapodistrian University of Athenswith honors. Sheinitially worked in private education and since 1998 she has been working in Public Education, at the 9th High School of Kallithea "Manos Hatzidakis". She is in charge of the Drama Clubof the 9th Kallithea High School and a member of the Hellenic Theater/ Drama EducationNetwork. At the same time, she is a member of the Pedagogical group "Skasiarchio". She attended the "Pilot program of training and application of Freinet pedagogy in public education" during the school year 2018-19, and in the following years she participated in the same program as a trainer.Believing that the European experience is valuablefor Greek instructors, she participates in many ERASMUS programs presenting them alongside with her colleagues at the 8th and 9th International Conferencefor the Promotion of Educational Innovation.
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